Adirondack Griddle Cakes

Servings: 4 Difficulty: Intermediate
Recipe from Beatrice Laruwe

Adirondack Griddle Cakes

Difficulty: Intermediate Prep Time 10 mins Cook Time 10 mins
Servings: 4



  1. Sift together flour, baking powder, sugar and salt. Combine egg, milk and melted butter and add to dry ingredients all at once, beating until smooth.

  2. Pour batter onto hot, greased griddle, making each cake 8-9 inch diameter. Cook on one side until puffed, full of bubbles and cooked on edges. Then cook on the other side.

  3. Remove to heated serving dish and keep warm. Pile one on top of the other with melted butter and grated maple sugar between. Serve, cut into wedge-shaped pieces.

  4. As with other pancakes, top with butter and powdered sugar, syrup or fruit compote.