Freezer Bread Dough

Recipe from Tupperware

Freezer Bread Dough

Difficulty: Intermediate Prep Time 30 mins


Makes 3 loaves



  1. In large mixing bowl, combine 2½ cups of the flour and the yeast. In saucepan, heat together the milk, butter, sugar and salt just until warm. Add liquid to dry ingredients in mixing bowl, along with eggs. Beat at low speed for 30 seconds, scraping sides of bowl constantly. Beat 3 minutes at high speed. Stir in as much of the remaining flour to make a stiff dough that is smooth and elastic. Divide dough into thirds. Shape two portions into loaves. Store in freezer container with a double thickness of waxed paper between. Divide remaining dough into 16 portions. Shape into a smooth ball. Arrange in an airtight container and freeze.

  2. Options:

    May shape into 3 loaves, 2 loaves and 16 balls, 1 loaf and 32 balls or 48 balls.


Use with the following recipes:

Pizza Roll-Up

Busy-Day Bread

Short-Cut Cloverleaf Rolls